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Primitive Initiative (P.I.) aims to re-connect us to our ancestral wisdom and bio-compatible diet. Utilizing their power to both heal and thrive. We investigate and pull from all diet, movement and medical schools of thought to aid in wellness and performance transformations.

Improve your health and environment with our well researched, hand selected tools.

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Lambs Masks and Faraday Underwear

Lambs Masks and Faraday Underwear

Sanitizing silver embedded fabric with replaceable 2.5pm filters. Prevents buildup of bacteria from exhaled breath and filters disinfectants being sprayed for "sanitization" purposes. Essentially an air filter for your face.

Fonz Underwear

Fonz Underwear

Recent research is showing negative affects on testosterone from the excessive amounts of EMFs the body is exposed to. Faraday's has an anti-microbial silver impregnated pouch in the front to protect the family jewels. Use code: "LMHEMF" for 10% off.

Colloidal Silver Edge Generator

Colloidal Silver Edge Generator

Colloidal Silver has been around for decades as the original antibiotic. Silver coins in vessels were used hundreds of years ago as preservatives. Multiple tests are conclusive that Colloidal Silver is effective at eradicating many strains of bacteria including MRSA. Colloidal silver must be made from distilled water. The Aquanui water distiller mentioned above is the most effective and pure way to attain distilled water. Using these two products together is highly recommended.

Testing Nutritional Status Guide

Testing Nutritional Status Guide

An educational, comprehensive, thorough guide we use to share info with all of you is made by PhD @chrismasterjohn. It is a nutrient analysis, testing and supplement (food and pill) PDF guide. It helps you understand what to test for, how, when and what the results mean. It is a must have for people who want to take control of personal and family health in an in depth, no guess way.

Sauna Space

Sauna Space

The best affordable, portable, low EMF, near infrared sauna. Saunas are an amazing tool to have for your home. The whole family can instantly benefit from this compact, easy to use infrared therapy. Human and animal studies on saunas are indicating some amazing results; decreased risk of Alzheimers, heart disease, enhanced detoxification, cellular resilience, vital looking skin, injury prevention/healing, muscle gain, fat loss, immune boost and even better sleep.

Electromagnetic Revolution

Electromagnetic Revolution

EMR red light therapy, blue light blockers & faraday cases. Mitigation strategies for blue light and lack of sunlight synchronicity are essential for today's electrically charged world. EMR offers the highest quality tools to look and feel amazing.

Tonic Treasures

Tonic Treasures

Tonic Treasures Shilajit is locally sourced from the Rocky Mountains with emphasis on potency and purity. Shilajit is a resinous substance which contains an array of minerals and compounds such as humic and fulvic acid which assists in the bodies ability to regulate and balance minerals. Tonic Treasures also carries various herbs and mushrooms all of which come in high quality Miron glass to preserve the constituents of each medicinal substance.

US Wellness Meats

US Wellness Meats

US sourced grass fed and finished animal products. An excellent way to attain properly raised animal products like organ meats, sausages and broth. These foods provide amazing nutritional properties along with the added benefit of supporting an awesome, local company.

Aquanui Water Distillers

Aquanui Water Distillers

Water should be just H2O and distillers achieve this better than any filtration system. Whether you believe in the energetics of water or the material make up, distillers give you a clean slate to work with by producing pure 0ppm (parts per million) H2O. For more detailed information visit the link below and don't forget to use discount code "funnutrition" for 10% off!

Big Berkey Gravity Filter

Big Berkey Gravity Filter

The perfect electricity free emergency water purifier. Different sizes are available including a travel size. Optional filters for extra fluoride and arsenic filtration are available, but we recommend this unit for non-municipal water.

©2018 by Primitive Initiative.

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